The City of Bee Cave is hosting a Town Hall about the proposed public safety building on Thur. Feb. 6 at 5:30pm in Council Chambers
This event is open to the public. An RSVP is not required, but it is appreciated. You can RSVP and submit questions in advance by clicking the "RSVP" button.
A mix of snow and sleet have covered many Bee Cave roads.
The City has received a signed order from a Travis County judge that allows the case to head to a full trial.
Judge Laurie Eiserloh has sent a letter regarding the industrial warehouse near Bee Cave.
Jon Cobb has submitted his resignation from the Bee Cave City Council.
Courtney Hohl resigns from the Bee Cave City Council effective December 13, 2024.
The next hearing for the lawsuit against the industrial development has been moved to Wed. Nov. 20 at 9am.
Residents have been complaining of bright, industrial-grade floodlights being used so construction can continue through the night.
The Bee Cave communications department has created this flyer to explain the seven charter amendments to voters.
The city of Bee Cave files amended petition against developers of industrial complex.
The city of Bee Cave files an injunction to stop construction of an industrial park.
Download a handy reference for upcoming events in Bee Cave!
It's the 7th city in Texas to receive distinction
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