Offenses that may be dismissed before court appearance date or in open court-
- Expired Motor Vehicle Registration: Must submit a registration renewal receipt that reflects a 20% penalty fee to the County Tax Assessor Collector.*Do not update your registration online. The court will not dismiss expired registration citations if the registration is not updated with the late registration penalty paid to the tax assessor's office by your initial appearance date (stated on your citation). $20.00 court dismissal fee is required.
- Fail to Display Driver License: Must submit proof of a valid driver license prior to receiving the citation. $10.00 court dismissal fee is required.
- Expired Drivers' License: Must renew driver license and provide proof to the court by the citation due date. $20.00 dismissal fee is required.
- Fail to report change of address or name: Must remedy driver license and provide proof to the court by the citation due date. $20.00 court dismissal fee is required.
- Operate motor vehicle without license plates or with one plate: Registration for the vehicle must be current during the period offense was committed and the registration insignia attached to the car before the citation due date. Proof (registration receipt & photograph of attached registration insignia) must be provided to the Court by the citation due date. $10.00 court dismissal fee is required.
- Display altered, unclean or obscured license plates: License plate must be remedied and proof (photograph of remedied license plate) provided to the Court by the citation due date. $10.00 court dismissal fee is required.
- Operate vehicle with defective equipment or unsafe condition (Commercial vehicles do not qualify): Equipment must be remedied and proof provided to the Court by the citation due date. $10.00 court dismissal fee is required.
- Failure to maintain financial responsibility (FTMFR): Sending a copy of your insurance card or policy is not sufficient for dismissal. Verification must be sent to the court directly from the insurance carrier (this may be faxed to 512-767-6639) indicating the liability insurance was in effect on the date, time and vehicle alleged in the citation. Proof of insurance must be received by the citation due date. (No dismissal fee required).
Citation fees and fine schedule

Frequently Asked Questions