General information
Driving Safety Courses allow defendants to complete a class in exchange for a dismissal of many traffic-related charges.
In addition to completing (and paying for) the course, a defendant will be assessed court costs and an administrative fee. Only certain charges are eligible for this option and you cannot take more than one course in a 12 month period. You must request this option by the initial appearance date stated on your citation.
You can request information regarding your case by emailing the court. The court accepts completion documents by email: [email protected]
Are you eligible for a driving safety course?
You must resolve your violation by the initial appearance date stated on your citation. Not all offenses are eligible for a driving safety course. Are you eligible?
- You have NOT taken a DSC within the last 12 months for a moving violation.
- You have a Texas Driver License (unless you are in the military).
- You have current vehicle insurance in your name or other form of financial responsibility.
- You were speeding 25mph or more over the posted speed limit
- You have a commercial driver license.
- You were leaving the scene of an accident.
- You were fleeing police.
- You committed an offense in a construction zone with workers present.
- You were passing a school bus loading or unloading children.
Before you sign up or start a course...
You will receive an email from the court once your request has been reviewed. DO NOT sign up for a course if you have not received an email confirming that you have been approved.
You will lose the right to request that this charge be dismissed by taking a driving safety course if you do not make your request by your initial appearance date.
How to request a driving safety course
To make a request for a driving safety course:
- Complete & sign the Request for Driving Safety Course before a Notary Public.
- Submit a copy of proof of financial responsibility (vehicle insurance )
-Your name must be listed on the policy document that you submit
- Submit a copy of your Texas Driver License (unless you are in the military).
- Pay the court costs & state fee.
Upload the documents and make your payment here or mail the documents and payment to the court.
***If you have failed to submit the required documents you must submit them to the court within 10 days of the date you made the request.***
- $144.00 if request is submitted on or before your initial appearance date
- $169.00 if speeding in a school zone ($65.00 late fee applicable if you are making the request after your initial appearance date $234.00)
- $209.00 if you are making the request after your initial appearance date & before you have received a blue warrant warning card
Requests by mail
If you are making your request by mail:
- Money order or cashier's check accepted by mail. No personal checks accepted & cash is not accepted.
- Provide an email address to the court with your documents.
Mailing Address:
Bee Cave City Hall
4000 Galleria Parkway
Bee Cave, TX 78738
Additional information
Your request will not be processed until all documents have been submitted to the court and your payment has been received.
If you are requesting to do a DSC after your initial appearance date you must e-mail [email protected] .
After receiving permission from the court
Once you have received permission from the court, you will be responsible for completing the course and requesting a copy of your certified driving record as maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety.
For citation dismissal you must submit by the 90th day of your request:
The Court Copy of the certificate of completion (with your signature)
Your certified driving record (Form 3A)
***The completion documents can be submitted to the court by e-mail [email protected] or mail.