Unified Development Code (UDC)
On June 28, 2022 the Bee Cave City Council approved the city's first Unified Development Code. This document the consolidates many of the regulations governing land development in Bee Cave. The table to the right lists the UDC's Articles, by topic. The City's Building, Property Maintenance and Fire Codes remain outside of the UDC and may be found in the main Code of Ordinances.

Guide To Bee Cave
Unified Development Code
Topic |
Article |
Platting & Subdivision |
2 |
Zoning & Site Development |
3 |
Signage |
4 |
Landscaping & Screening |
5 |
Supplemental Standards |
6 |
Stormwater Management |
7 |
Flood Damage Prevention |
8 |
City Limits Map

If your property is located within Bee Cave City Limits, it is subject to all City ordinances. If it is in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, it is subject to Non-Point Source Pollution (water quality), Platting/Subdivision, and Signage regulations and nuisance control only.