The Bee Cave Citizen Police Academy is a free comprehensive course designed to provide those who live or work in the City of Bee Cave a working knowledge of our police department. The goal of the program is to provide citizens the opportunity to learn about police work, to ask questions and express their concerns. The Academy provides information about police policies and procedures and the criminal justice system in general. The ultimate goal is to improve rapport between the police and citizens of Bee Cave.
Topics covered during the Bee Cave Citizen Police Academy include:
- Patrol Procedures: Learn patrol procedures to expand your knowledge of how our police patrol operations conduct services in the City of Bee Cave.
- Administrative/Budget: The less glamorous side of police work although one of the most important elements to police operations.
- DWI, Radar, Traffic Enforcement: Have you ever wondered why our officers conduct so many traffic stops? Learn about the importance of a consistent traffic enforcement and how doing so protects our citizens and visitors. Learn from our Officer's prospective and how traffic enforcement can and does prevent death and serious bodily injury on our roadways.
- Communications: Who answers the phone when you call "911?" How do the dispatchers of the Lakeway Police Department, who dispatches police services for the City of Bee Cave, conduct dispatching operations to send our Police Officers where they are needed most.
- Many Other Exciting Topics Such As: Criminal Investigations, Use of Force, Municipal Court Operations, and Scenario Based Training.

Class #001 graduated on October 15th, 2015